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Red Gums, Red Flag: Recognizing the Warning Signs of Gingivitis

September 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rsqdental @ 6:25 pm
Patient checking their gums for gingivitis

If your mouth has been feeling a little off lately, it could be the result of something you can’t see. Gingivitis is known as a silent disease because it can hide within your gums and seemingly worsen with no warning. While it’s the earliest stage of gum disease, if left untreated it can lead to far more serious dental issues. So, how are you supposed to know whether you have it or not?  Continue reading to learn how to recognize the symptoms of gingivitis and protect your smile safely.

1. Red, Swollen Gums

Healthy gums should be firm and pink. If yours appear to be red, swollen, or puffy, it’s a common sign of gingivitis. They turn red due to inflammation which occurs when plaque builds up along your gumline, irritating the tissue. So, if you notice changes in your gums’ color or texture, it’s time to talk to your dentist!

2. Bleeding When Brushing or Flossing

While many claim that a little “pink in the sink” is normal—it isn’t. Even if you think you’re brushing or flossing too hard, bleeding gums are a sure sign of the beginning of gum disease.

If you notice blood in the sink while you’re doing your normal oral hygiene routine, you can try switching to a softer toothbrush or using a water flosser until you see your dentist. This can help reduce the irritation of your gums temporarily.

3. Persistent Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by many things, including the food you eat. However, if you have a constant unpleasant odor or taste in your mouth, it might be a sign of gingivitis. Bacteria that like to hide in plaque produce foul-smelling compounds when they feed on food particles. This leads to persistent bad breath that doesn’t seem to fade, even after brushing.

4. Receding Gums

Do your teeth appear longer than usual? Receding gums happen when your gum tissue pulls away from your teeth, exposing more of their surface. This can be an early warning sign of gingivitis and can lead to sensitivity, making it uncomfortable to eat or drink hot, cold, sweet, or acidic menu items.

5. Tenderness or Discomfort

Gingivitis can also cause your gums to feel tender, sore, or even painful, especially when eating, brushing, or flossing. While the discomfort might be mild, it’s a big red flag that your gums need attention!

If you spot any of these warning signs, don’t wait—schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible! Your dentist can provide a professional cleaning and offer tips to improve your oral hygiene routine, helping you reverse gingivitis before it develops into something worse. By taking action early, you can keep your smile happy and healthy and avoid the ravages of gum disease!

About the Practice

At Renaissance Dental, our team of dental experts offers a comprehensive approach to oral health through quality dental care and gum disease treatment. If you’re struggling with your smile, we can help using the latest dental technology and techniques! Call (817) 289-5200 to schedule a gum disease consultation with us or visit our website to see a full menu of treatments and services we provide.

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