
The last teeth to come in are the wisdom teeth, and they often make a troublesome entry. This third set of molars erupts between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five for most people, and they often come with complications that cause persistent discomfort and even damage to other permanent teeth. Here’s why wisdom teeth can come in sideways or impacted and how that problem can be treated.
Why Aren’t My Wisdom Teeth Coming in Properly?
The most common reason for wisdom teeth not to emerge properly is that the mouth does not have enough room to accommodate them. This can cause the third molars to emerge at an improper angle, to emerge only partially, or to fail to breach the gumline at all. In cases where the wisdom tooth remains beneath the gums’ surface, it can be difficult to recognize the problem without professional dental help.
What Kind of Problems Can Sideways Wisdom Teeth Cause?
Wisdom teeth that fail to emerge properly can cause a variety of dental health issues, including:
Injury to other teeth
If the wisdom teeth emerge improperly, they can push the nearby molars out of alignment. While this will certainly be frustrating for anyone who underwent years of orthodontic treatments to straighten out their teeth, it can also make these teeth harder to clean and easier to damage. This can lead to infection and tooth loss.
Gum infection
Wisdom teeth that fail to emerge properly can provide a haven within the gums for harmful bacteria. If the gums become infected, the infection can cause erosion of the jawbone, periodontitis, and other dental health issues.
Constant pain
The stress of your third molars crowding your other teeth can cause persistent pain in your mouth.
How Can These Issues Be Treated?
Because of all the problems they cause, wisdom teeth are often extracted by a dental surgeon. This is a routine procedure typically performed under general anesthesia, so the patient will need a trusted individual to drive them home afterward. The recovery can carry some discomfort, but it can be managed with pain medication. The patient may take some satisfaction in knowing that they can look forward to a far more comfortable future.
About the Practice
Renaissance Dental provides high-quality dentistry in a warm and relaxing office in Fort Worth, TX. Led by Dr. Christopher Duong, John Kuan, Khoa Pham, and Jessica Chen, the staff treats each patient with personalized care and sincere compassion. Areas of expertise include general, pediatric, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. For more information on wisdom tooth extractions, contact the office online or dial (817) 289-5200.